Sunday, March 1, 2009


This week we had the very first prenatal visit! We were both pretty excited and nervous because we have no idea what to do or expect and have a lot of questions. Anyways, we didn't think that we were going to be able to hear the heartbeat or have an ultrasound for a few more weeks at least. But we were surprised that our doctor wanted to check the due date by having an ultrasound and of course we didn't turn that opportunity down! So we saw our little baby for the first time and we were able to hear and see the heartbeat, how amazing! Such a little miracle! So for here are the very first pictures of baby Lewis!

First Post

Well, I set up this blog a few weeks ago I guess it is time to start putting something on here. I thought it would be best to start it out with some of our wedding pictures on March 8, 2008 and then some pictures of our temple sealing on December 30, 2008. These two days are the starts of our earthly family and our eternal family so very important to us! Very good days!

After a Long Day

What almost a year of marriage has done to our relationship, haha.

The Whole Family in Front of the Temple

First Picture of an Eternal Couple!!!

Tractor Pictures

First Dance

Amazing Cake

Cutting the Cake

After the Cake Eating
Hiding in the Cake